For the Love of Pastors.

Our Mission

Pastors need care, too. Many pastors today face anxiety, depression, and burnout because they constantly pour out to their churches, and too often, they are forgotten. Pastor Box seeks to care for pastors by delivering high quality resources in a fun package that will delight, inspire, and encourage them.

“And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while. For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”

MARK 6:31

Our Story

Our founder, Dave Wike, has served those who serve the Church for 23 years through his family-owned and operated publication and resource company, Pastor Resources. With years of access to the highest quality publishers, he set out to serve even more pastors through Pastor Box, the first and only subscription box created for pastors and ministry leaders around the country. We hope to see a community of well-supported pastors flourish to pour into healthy churches.

Our Founder

Dave Wike and his wife, Margie, live in Wilmington, NC with three of their four kids (son moved to Maui) and their dog, Happy. When he’s not serving pastors, you can find him hanging out with his family, playing his guitar, or surfing. He loves the Lord, and feels as though He has called him to care for pastors time and time again.

Follow along on Instagram: @pastorbox